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英語の知覚動詞の質問です。 I heard my name being called from behind me と I heard my name called from behind me これの違いは 自分の名前が呼ばれている or 呼ばれた しかありませんよね? また下の英文は成立していますか? この二つの質問です。I want to translate Japanese into English I am good at Japanese conversation but I am not good at Japanese composition!To my way of thinking, To my way of thinking, good health is over wealth 健康はお金を稼ぐより大事だと思います。 The way I see it, It seems to me that As I see it, As I see it, he seemed a bit biased against women 私から見ると、彼は女の人に意見があるみたい。 As for me, For my
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誠にすみませんが、私はまだ初心者なので英語が未熟です。 3 My greatest apologies as my English is still very poor, but soon i believe after much practice i will be fluent" 自分の英語力の低さに本当にご迷惑をおかけしています。もっと精進してすぐに流暢になりますね。He had the kindness to help me with my work 例文帳に追加 彼は親切にも私の仕事を手伝ってくれた。 Tanaka Corpus It is very nice of you to help me with my homework 例文帳に追加 宿題を手伝ってくれてありがとうございます。 Tanaka Corpus It was very nice of you to help me with myFor a law will go out from Me, and My justice will become a light to the

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